Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Moving locations...

OK everyone, unfortunately I had to get a new html address because this one wouldn't link up with my email address.

PLEASE come find me at my new spot and become one of my followers.

Everything will be exactly the same over there, it's just a new html and unfortunately I can't bring my followers over there automatically. Thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


When I was in 2nd grade I got really sick. It started out like the flu. I went to the doctor and they suggested I go into the ER and get an IV. After having some fluids pumped in me and holding down a few popsicles I was feeling much better. They told me to go home and get some rest. When I woke up the next morning I was too weak to walk. I crawled into my moms room screaming and crying. She rushed me back to the hospital while I barfed stomach fluid into a dirty coffee mug. After a few days of hallucinating and throwing up more than you would think humanly possible, I started to get better. They never found out exactly what caused me to be so ill, but it was never a problem and since then I have been fine.

My grandma always recalls how she booked a flight as fast as she could to fly out and be with me. She says that she cried the whole way from Boston to Denver Children's Hospital. I hate when she says that. I don't want to think about her being sad.

Today I really understood how she must have felt.

My mom called me, clearly trying to hold back tears and said, "There is something wrong with Mom Mom's heart". She told me not to panic until they have more information. All she knew was that Mom Mom had been short of breath and having heart palpitations so they rushed her to the hospital.

I was calm until I hung up. A wave of fear rushed over me. I have a lot of life left to live, and I want my grandparents there for every moment.

Aren't they sweet??

Thankfully she is OK. They think the problems were caused by a case of pneumonia so they administered interveinous antibiotics and sent her home with some good meds. I am so thankful. So so thankful.

I'm also a little sad. I feel like this was a sign that they are getting older and I don't want them to. They aren't allowed to age. They are young- both at heart and literally. Who else can say that their grandmother was 40 when they were born?

I know that scares like this are a part of life. I know that if medical scares can happen to beautiful, healthy, 18-yr. old girls like Flicka, then they can happen to anyone. I just don't like it. I don't want to accept it. I want to fix everyone.

I guess what I need to take from this is that life is precious. I'm going to live every moment to the fullest.

I love you M&G

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


My first night alone was totally fine...until I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't go back to sleep. I imagined that every little creak was a footstep. I convinced myself that I left the door unlocked and someone was going to come in and kill me. I tried to talk myself out of it. I prayed that God would protect me and then felt stupid for praying to be protected from an imaginary perpetrator. When my alarm went off I was still drifting in and out of dreams. Am I the only one who let's episodes of "Gangland" and "Law and Order" sneak into my sub-conscience at the least opportune moments? But I'm a big girl and I got over it. It's kind of nice having the house to myself, but who wouldn't miss this face???

PS: I am smart enough to know that there is no way I could paint all of those cabinets by myself. Especially before he gets home on Friday. I just thought daydreaming about it was fun. Can you imagine the face he would make if he came home to sea foam cabinets???

Monday, April 19, 2010

'Bama Blues

My boo is gettin on a jet plane and flyin away today. He is going to good 'ol Alabama to check on some rockets for a few days. I'm a little bummed, but considering that Alabama doesn't sound all that fun, and that my finals are due this week, I will be staying here. I haven't spent a night alone in our new house yet. I think I will be OK. I might have to plan some homework breaks to have some quality time with my girls. That's the best thing about having no man in the house- I can fully enjoy girl's nights.

I was thinking maybe I should paint the cabinets while he's gone. I think he would freak. Maybe not...
But how great are these pictures!?

Sea Foam

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I really love it here. I love seeing the mountains in the distance. I love how we have all four seasons and we are always very ready for the next one when it comes. I love how beautiful it is whether it's sunny or snowy. I love itching to go camping even when memorial day is still a month away. I love hiking trails. I love granola and trail mix. I love layering because the weather could change at any moment. I love that dressing up is dark wash jeans and heels. I love that rainbow sandals and keens are acceptable anywhere. I love the buds on the trees and the grass between my toes. I love that the city and the mountains are always just a short drive away.

I love Colorado.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


This is what I came home to. Yep, that's a Jimmy John's sammy and a glass of wine for me, and a Chipotle burrito and a cold brewsky for him. I just thought it was soo adorable that I had to take a picture. This is what happens when he decides to take the reigns and "make" dinner. Also, doesn't our newly refinished and reupholstered dining room table look great?!? I think it does. We make a good team.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

TV and Giggles with the Hubs

Last night we were watching Parenthood (My new favorite show, it's hilarious!), and, well let me set it up for ya.
Sarah is pursuing a relationship with her daughter's english teacher. He's pretty charming and smart. He took her back to his house and proceeded to romance her by reading to her from their favorite book. I thought it was adorable. Mike thought it was corny and hilarious. I had to inform him that I always dreamed of marrying a man like that. I imagined laying in bed and talking about literary topics and metaphors. I have always found intelligence sexy. And then he said, in his lowest, most seductive voice, "I love you like the fat kid loves cake. That's a metaphor isn't it?" We both had a pretty good giggle.

Who knew I married a comedian??

I dig him. I especially love giggling together.